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The Dreamer Lee Ziv

Dream Consciousness 

The Dreamer Lee Ziv

Dream passages

The Dreamer Lee Ziv

Dream a new culture

It is time to dream ~ time to wake up

Like ancient medicine,

dreams whisper to us to return to this moment

The Dreamer Lee Ziv

Every night, we enter the space of the cosmic womb, the vast emptiness from which everything is born and created, from which we dream all things into existence. These times invite us to awaken and return to our true essence as dreamers and creators. To return to the wisdom of the circle beyond time, to the dreaming tribe.

How does the dream realm influence our lives, and how do our dreams affect our day-to-day existence? What is a healthy relationship with the dream field?

Dreams embody a truth that the visible reality almost fails to reveal. In order to start speaking the language of dreams, we must become curious to encounter the language of our soul and the soul of the world. The dream field contains the full creative potential for manifestation and fulfillment, guidance, protection, and healing, and from there, almost everything arises. The dream cannot lie or hide, and thus, the naked truth reveals itself to us night after night.

The Dreamer Lee Ziv

~ Next workshops & Online courses  ~

Following the dream of the whale

 Mondays 16.09.24

 Registration started | ​Online course

Dreaming plants workshop

May 15th 10:00-14:30

Alentejo, Portugal

Through the mirror

New date soon

Lucid dreaming | Online course

The Dreamer Lee Ziv
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